Teach Your Inner Children Well

Me and my Shadow

Not your biological off-springs, but the pre-school nursery kids that exist within us.

The inner child, the innocent one who risks, dares, challenges, gets wild, whips & whoops it up, the sweet, tender, precious, instinctively curious toddler within.

That child may stay hidden, coming out only on rare occasions with a flush of embarrassment, on a whim, or from a memory.

What if the inner children could evolve, grow and learn, while saving their innocence, curiosity and courage?

Would that inner child be lost?

Time works by freezing us, and allowing us to grow. I am 66, and 6, and 10, and 14 and 20, an identity that a song, a friend, chocolate pudding reacts and recalls those frozen moments in time.

Those stimuli bring back identities.

“Interesting concept Mr Writer, but how does it work? What are the lessons?”

How do you teach anyone anything? 

Though our current educational system has its flaws at its core is the Socratic method of inquiry. We can educate the child within, increase our adult curiosity and interests with a series of questions.

Such questions as:

  • What do you want? What would you like to know?
  • What would it be useful to know?
  • How will you know when you have it?
  • How does that work?
  • What’s another way of looking at that?
  • And an occasional, Why?

The inquiry gradually distills (the gradient approach), or instills a flash of insight that leads to change and/or the next question. The process encourages curiosity, an open mind and life long learning.

 It is the basic scientific method.

"I know you won't believe me, but the highest form of Human Excellence is to question oneself and others," said Socrates.

The intent is to teach our inner children well. 

“What’s that,” were my son’s first words. I filled in the blank with what it was. He asked a lot of questions. Still does.

For me it wasn’t till my Nana gave me clues as to who to listen too. She had patience, told stories that made points and encouraged me to remember.

The points were:

  • “Yes you can.”
  • Do this little thing now and that belief transfers to bigger things.
  • Decide you can do it.
  • And when you do it and get it, practice.

I think children’s games were developed to teach this skill. “Tag, you’re it.”